Same Day Clinic

To provide a higher level of care, we encourage patients to use our Same Day services for urgent needs.

During your treatment, there may be times when you need care right away, such as:

  • A spike in your temperature
  • Assistance managing common or unexpected side effects
  • Signs of infection
  • Rash
  • Hydration and/or nutritional changes
  • Pain

For these types of concerns, call us at (800) 411-7999 to speak with a member of our oncology care team. They will assist you in determining if you need to come in for same day care. If you are a Lemmen-Holton Cancer Pavilion, Lacks Cancer Center or CHC – Muskegon patient, they may refer you to the Same Day Clinic located at your cancer facility.

Our Same Day Clinic provides several advantages:

  • You can meet with a care team that is more familiar with your treatment plan and medical history.
  • You can receive specialized therapies for your cancer or hematological disorder which other providers or urgent care/ER may not be familiar with.
  • You can generally be seen sooner than your PCP or Urgent Care, and in an environment prepared for the immunocompromised patient.

 Even though our goal is to keep you safe, out of the hospital and ER’s, there are still some reasons in which more emergent evaluation will be needed. Call us first, and let us help you decide what the best plan for you will be.  

 Our Same Day Clinic is available BY APPOINTMENT ONLY during most weekdays and normal business hours.  An appointment may be made by calling (800) 411-7999 and talking with nurse triage.