CHC – The Cancer & Hematology Centers

Chris & Marty Mund: Stronger Together

In the quaint town of Reed City, Michigan, resides a couple whose love has endured the trials of adversity. Chris and Marty Mund’s story is one of resilience and love as they navigate the challenges of battling cancer together.

Their journey began in high school when they first crossed paths through Chris’ brother, “I saw him and thought, that’s going to be the father of my children,” Chris reminisced about her initial impression of Marty.

Her intuition proved correct, leading them to tie the knot a few short years later. Their three children, Brian, Spencer, and Trevor, followed not long after. A lifetime of raising their sons and making memories with their grandchildren made the years fly by. However, their lives took an unexpected turn several years ago when Chris received the devastating diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer.

Marty and family remained by her side, a constant source of strength and support. Together, they embarked on a journey of treatment and healing, with Dr. Kathrine Cooper’s guidance in the fight against Chris’ cancer.

“Dr. Cooper monitored me very closely—not just my cancer, but every aspect of my health,” Chris recalls gratefully. “She has a way of delivering the toughest news with compassion and a plan for moving forward.”

Despite Marty’s selfless dedication to his wife’s well-being over the years, his health eventually took a toll. Last year, Marty received the shocking diagnosis of leukemia. With roles reversed Marty found himself in a new position of being the patient. After seeing Dr. Cooper treat his wife for years, there was no doubt in his mind that he wanted the same oncologist.

Their treatments, though challenging, did not intersect significantly, allowing them to support each other through their health journeys. In the midst of their trials, they found unexpected joy in the form of a furry companion, Sadie, who became a constant source of comfort through the ups and downs of treatment. “I wanted to name the dog Chemo because she helped me get through Chemo.” Chris laughed. “No one else thought it was funny besides me. So we went with Sadie.”

As they continue their battle against cancer, Chris and Marty find solace in the familiarity of routine treatments and the stability of their conditions. You can find them together at every appointment, always by one another’s side. “My cancer is not cured,” states Chris, “I know it will come back, when it does, I know I’m in the best care at CHC. Our doctor knows us. From the front desk to the back of infusion, I love this place.”

Their goal is simple: reclaim a sense of normalcy and cherish the moments spent with their family. “Our next adventure,” Marty smiles, “is to visit Montana.”

When asked about the qualities they admire most in each other, they were quick to answer, “His passion for caring for others,” Chris affirms, “and his gentleness, kindness, compassion, and patience—he is the best part of me.” Marty echoes, expressing admiration for Chris’ unwavering dedication to their family.

In the face of life’s greatest challenges, Chris and Marty’s story is a reminder of being stronger together, and that love can conquer even the darkest days.